Tigers do vary in size and appearance. The Panthera tigris
altaica or the Siberian Tiger are found mainly in eastern Russia; Some in northeastern China and northern North Korea.
Average Weight of a Siberian Female ranges from 221 - 368 pounds
and she is 7 feet 11 inches - 9 feet long.
The Males range from 419 - 675 pounds, and are 8 feet 8 inches -
10 feet 9 inches long.
The Siberian Tiger is also known as, Amur Tiger, Manchurian
Tiger, and the Northeast China Tiger. It is the largest of all

Panthera tigris tigris or Bengal Tigers are found mainly in
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal.
Bengals are about the size of a Lion.The Female Bengal has an average weight of 221 - 353 pounds, and is 7 feet 11 inches - 8 feet 7 inches long.
The Males average weight is 419 - 569 pounds and is 8 feet 8 inches - 10 feet 2 inches long.
Bengals are also know as Royal Bengal Tigers and Indian Tigers.
All white tigers are Bengals. All white Bengals in captivity in the USA originated from one white male Bengal that was captured in India in 1951 and inbred with his offspring.
Only Bengal Tigers have the double recessive gene that causes the white coloring. But, white tigers are not albino.
There are more Bengal Tigers than all 4 of the other remaining tiger subspecies added together.

The Panthera tigris corbetti or Indochinese Tigers are found
mainly in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and
The Female weighs an average of 221 - 287 pounds and is 7 feet 7 inches - 8 feet 8 inches long.
The Males average weight is 330 - 430 pounds, and is 8 feet 5 inches - 9 feet 4 inches in length. There are approximately 1,150 - 1,750 left alive today.

The Panthera tigris amoyensis or South China Tiger is found in
Central and eastern China.
The Female weighs an average of 221 - 254 pounds and is 7 feet 3
inches - 7 feet 11 inches long.
The Male weighs 287 - 386 pounds on average and is 7 feet 7 inches - 8 feet 7 inches in length.
The South China Tiger is also known as Amoy Tiger and The Chinese Tiger.
This tiger is considered to be the evolutionary ancestor of all tigers. They are also the "most" endangered tiger subspecies.
The only zoo's that have this gorgeous tiger are in China.

The Panthera tigris sumatrae or Sumatran Tiger lives on the
Indonesian Island of Sumatra.
The Female weighs an average of 165 - 243 pounds and is 7 feet 1 inch - 7 feet 7 inches.
The Males weight averages between 221 - 309 pounds and is 7 feet
3 inches - 8 feet 8 inches long.
Approximately 400 - 735 of these beautiful tigers are left in the world.
The Sumatran and Malaysian Tigers are the smallest living subspecies of tigers.

The background of the Tigers coat is usually a bright reddish-orange or a pale yellow-brown. The stripes that mark the body are usually black. The Tigers coloring and stripes are actually on its skin, and not directly from its fur.

The appearance of the Tiger depends on where it lives. Tigers that live in cold regions are pale in color, and large in size. Their fur is long and thick.
In warmer climates, Tigers are smaller and more colorful.They have shorter, thinner fur.

Like all cats, tigers have very sharp claws and teeth, and they
can move quickly and quietly.

Springing with ease, tigers may cover 15 feet in one leap!!

They rarely climb trees,
but love the water and are excellent swimmers.

Tigers usually hunt alone and at night. To make a kill, the tiger leaps on the animal, biting its neck.. It then takes the slain animal to a hidden spot.
If it is a large animal, the tiger may feed on it for several days. During this time, the tiger does not kill again.
Tigers eat deer, pigs, cattle, goats, and some smaller animals.

Young tigers, or cubs, are born from 100-112 days after the parents have mated.
There may be from one to six cubs in a litter, but they usually have 2-3 at a time. Cubs weigh about a kilogram when they are born.

The little cubs open their eyes 10-16 days after they are born. When they are at 6-8 weeks old, they start going on hunting trips with their mother.

They usually stay with their mother for about a year. After the first year with mom, they can usually hunt by themselves.

By the time they are 3-4 years old, they are ready to raise their own families.

In zoos tigers may live to be 20 years old. They seldom live to be this old in the wild.

Tigers are found only in Asia. They live as far north as Mongolia and Siberia. Their range reaches west to the Caucasus, east to Indonesia, and south to India.

"Isn't this a gorgeous picture! Please click on Ralph's Zoo to visit the site of the photographer."
"Tears On A Rose"Midi "Tears On A Rose" is
used with artists permission
and is copyright © 1999 Elan Michaels

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